News Release – October 3, 2022

This morning we woke up to news of an email having been sent to a number of people in Victoria purporting to be from “Island Health BC”. The email endorsed a number of VIVA Victoria candidates for City Council and School Board SD 61 as well as others. The email was the subject of much discussion on social media and allegations were made that VIVA Victoria had sent this email in an attempt to sway voters. This email was a complete and utter surprise to our organization and we immediately issued a statement disavowing authorship. 

Since that time, more information has been published concerning the alleged origin of this email and an individual connected with our Elector Organization has been accused of sending it. As a result of these allegations we have parted ways with this individual and they are no longer affiliated with VIVA Victoria. 

As a new local Elector Organization we have aimed to involve ordinary people in the democratic process as candidates, organizers and volunteers. We have endeavoured to conduct a principled campaign and condemn any efforts to misinform the public.

We encourage voters to look beyond the headlines and consider our platforms for Real Change and High-Quality and Accountable K-12 Education for Victoria. Our candidates are individuals as well as a team and are passionate about democratic accountability and renewing and improving municipal governance.